
BP and Halliburton face bigger claims

Risk 1BP and Halliburton are at greater risk of a substantial pay-out over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill after a US investigation claimed they knew cement used to seal the well was probably unstable, legal experts said on Friday.

One high-profile lawyer for individuals suing BP proclaimed the evidence a “game-changer”, while independent observers said it raised the chances of a gross negligence finding against the companies that could trigger penalties and court awards running into billions of dollars.

Shares in Halliburton continued to slide on Friday, falling 43 cents to $31.25 a share in morning trading in New York, as investors worried about the potential impact of the findings. The shares closed down 8 per cent on Thursday night at $31.68 a share after falling as much as 16 per cent earlier in the session. Investors seemed less concerned about the potential fallout for BP. Its shares closed up 0.66 per cent to 425.80p a share in London on Friday.


Professor, Embaixador e Comendador MSc. Marcos Assi, CCO, CRISC, ISFS – Sócio-Diretor da MASSI Consultoria e Treinamento Ltda – especializada em Governança Corporativa, Compliance, Gestão de Riscos, Controles Internos, Mapeamento de processos, Segurança da Informação e Auditoria Interna. Empresa especializada no atendimento de Cooperativas de Crédito e habilitado pelo SESCOOP no Brasil todo para consultoria e Treinamento. Mestre em Ciências Contábeis e Atuariais pela PUC-SP, Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis pela FMU, com Pós-Graduação em Auditoria Interna e Perícia pela FECAP, Certified Compliance Officer – CCO pelo GAFM, Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control – CRISC pelo ISACA e Information Security Foundation – ISFS pelo EXIN.